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Victor Lau

Advanced Life Support Instructor


Vice President (Executive board) and Advanced Life Support Specialist


國際獅子會腎病教育中心及研究基金 - 總理 18-19

Lion Kidney Educational Centre and Research Foundation - Director 2018-2019

國際獅子總會303區香港油尖旺獅子會 - 第一副會長 2017-2018

Lions Clubs International District 303, HK, Macao, China - Lions Club of Yau Tsim Mong - First Vice President 2017-2018

香港少年領袖團 - 榮譽上尉

Hong Kong Adventure Corps - Honorary Captain

香港聖約𨌺救傷隊 -高級副會長

Hong Kong St. John Ambulance Brigade - Divisional Senior Vice President 

香港交通安全隊- 高級隊監

Hong Kong Road Safety Petrol - Senior Supervisor

香港業餘足球訓練總會 - 總監

Hong Kong Amateur Football Association - Director 


中華教育文化經貿促進總會(香港)分會 - 副理事長

Chinese Education, Culture and Economy Promotion Association (Hong Kong Branch) - Vice Chairman

粤港澳大灣區青年協會 - 副秘書長

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Youth Society - Deputy Secretary 

兩岸客家研究中心 - 總幹事

Hong Kong Cross-Strait Hakka Research Executive Secretary

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